
Saturday, April 7, 2012

IX for Disa

hemmeds proudly presents


So, why?

That is my friend. Named Disa. She's creative, unpredictable, and freaking awesome with drawing. Amazing! U knw wht the most amazing is? SHE ORDERED HEMMEDS :):):):):):) wkwk. Here's the things:


and the second handmade

She really likes number 9 or IX, don't ask me why. It's about her personality, maybe. She asked me to make a ring with IX shape. Then so I made it.

At first I made IX-ring with the medium size and shiny colors. But she thought it wasn't her. So she asked me to make it again with the smaller size and red color. "why not", said me.

Constraints make a way ; She likes it! :D
Even she paid me double for the first ring and the second one :p

Thanks, Disa ! Enjoy your IX !!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Femme Quatre

hemmeds proudly presentsFor Rizka in Bekasi.

Femme Quatre--4 Rings

Cake on the Plate--ring  


Triple Macaroons--ring


Hi dear. Finally I've finished this order huh. At first I was doubt whether I can make it or not; considering I just coming back home after 5 days stayed in the hospital. But, I won't let my customer down, so I make it hurry. And, It appears to be cheerful :D

Then, Why I Called This " Femme Quatre " ?

i dont know.
it comes once in the blue moon.
the means is there are 4 rings that giving girly impression but they are still keep their dignity on that haha i dont know what the maksud actually.

So, for RIZKA in BEKASI: Just enjoy it! Thanks :))))

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hemmeds' 1st Anniversary !!

hemmeds proudly presents 

                                       HEMMEDS’ 1st ANNIVERSARY          

Sebenernya sih 24 Januari kemaren.
Tapi apadaya lah baru sempet posting skrg. EDUCATIONAL LIFE itu looooh! huh, emsosi.
ehm, apa ya, gue ga ngapa-ngapain si kayaknya buat setahunan ini. Yaa gue cuma berdoa moga Hemmeds bakal terus nyiptain barang-barang handmades deh, nambah kualitas, dan kedepannya    sukses Amiin. Tadinya gue mau nraktir orang-orang yg berjasa dibelakang Hemmeds gitu, tapi lagi kere namanya juga sempet vakum berbulan bulan wkwk.
Ohya gue lagi males nulis pake English, buru-buru mau ngerjain kartul abis ini; jaman sekolah??

"Have a patience for one year long to BIG and Wonderful journey"
                                         inspired from Suicide & Great Escape. canda

Ok, kebanyakan OOT yg ga penting-penting amat dan memalukan, yaudadeh gue mau ceritain ini aja gue menang batik cuuuy *paansih sok asik

where's my school? you're still student? OF COURSE, hah. haaaaaah.
      Jadi lagi UTS(red;Ulang Tahun Sekolah) gitu sekolah gue terus ada lomba ngedesain batik temanya "Konseptual Alam & Budaya Nusantara" krn tiap hari bagai petuah banyak tugas banyak ulangan so I made it concept just a day! And worse, I made it real just 2 hours!! Whooah banyak nambel jadinya.
Conceptnya;sangat berantakan

Gambar awalnya;masih berantakan

Setelah ditebelin;agak kurang berantakan

Setelah diwarnain;tetep ada berantakan

Setelah di frame;tidak rapih sepertinya
                   Alhamdulillah lah walaupun juara 2 gapapa, tp alasannya krn gue ga rapih biasa sih itu mah krn jurinya adalah guru senrup gue jd dia tau titik dimana gue nambel-nambelnya wkwk ohya kalo di foto ga keliatan,dari jauh juga ga keliatan,dari deket kalo lo emg jeli pasti ngakak krn ada puhun yg gue tambel 4x! haha worse comes worse but it's ok in the end ;)
                          "Everything will be OK in the end, if its not OK? Its not the end!"
                                                 inspired from spanduk UN XII IPA 2 yomski

Udah yak segini dulu kalo ada waktu gue bakal nyeritain yg ke-2 
ga sekarang tapi,kartul gue bsk deadline. yaks! sori banyakan curhat haha never mind since blog is blog. Bye, Nice Ganger Tomorrow.


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